Passion flower
Passion Flower has been used since the 17th century to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
Cortisol doesn’t just affect your sleep. Day after day of high cortisol levels can lead to many negative health effects.
Cortisol is produced by you adrenal glands in response to stress. As part of the fight or flight response, brief bursts of cortisol helped our ancestors protect themselves from predators. Unfortunately for us, our bodies can’t tell the difference between a lion on the savannah and a bad day at work. To our adrenal glands, stress is stress. Our modern day lives expose us to prolonged periods of stress day after day for years. If left untreated, elevated cortisol levels can lead to the following conditions:
The effects of stress on your body and mind are more than just a list of conditions. It's the little details of how you feel every day. It's the sharp fear of a sudden emergency, the shortness of breath as you scramble juggle too many responsibilities, the crushing weight of problem after problem piling up, and the exhaustion you're left with day after day. Alpranax will break the Cortisol Cycle and help you gain:
Elevated levels of Cortisol, called "The Stress Hormone" interfere with your natural sleep cycle
Stress sends your brain into an active state that prevents you from drifting off to sleep, keeping you up tossing and turning at night. If you finally manage to drift off to sleep, the cortisol in your system lowers the quality of the sleep you do manage to get. According to recent studies, workplace stressors as simple as faking a smile for 8 hours can lead to reduced sleep quality.
A poor night’s sleep leaves you feeling fatigued the next day, which increases your stress levels. This, in turn, further degrades your sleep, causing a vicious cycle of stress and sleep deprivation.
Alpranax stops the 7 causes of stress and gets you back to your stress-free best
Alpranax helps break the cycle of sleep deprivation by reducing your stress, which allows you to get the sleep you need to tackle your day. It’s safe, herbal formula helps reduce the body’s supply of cortisol to improve calmness and relaxation throughout the day. Plus, unlike prescription medications, there’s no risk of dependency.
I spend all day dealing with difficult clients and the stress was really taking a toll on my body and my sleep. Now that I have Alpranax, it’s so much easier to provide service with a smile because I’m not constantly exhausted an on edge.
Thanks Alpranax!
I worked a lot of late nights when a big project I was working on got behind schedule. After the project launched, I was still stuck on my late night schedule, which lead to a lot of stress during the day. Alpranax helped me break the cycle so I could relax and focus again.
Chris L., Jacksonville, FLMy job is very stressful and I found that I would hold on to that anxiety even on nights and weekends. Now with Alpranax I can leave my work problems and work and really focus on spending quality time with my wife and children without feeling grouchy and stressed.
Terry C., Columbus, OHPassion Flower has been used since the 17th century to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
Valerian works together with St. John’s Wort to help improve mood and decrease the symptoms of fatigue.
This herb reduces stress by helping the brain retain serotonin. This improves positive mood and decreases cortisol.
A natural herb shown to reduce symptoms of fatigue, including binge eating. It also helps with breaking caffeine dependency.
This herb is shown to reduce cortisol levels and symptoms of stress. It’s especially effective for chronic stress.
Alpranax contains gentle but effective nutrients and amino acids to help you relax, incsuding L-Theanine, GABA and Vitamin B5.
Cortisol is produced by you adrenal glands in response to stress. As part of the fight or flight response, brief bursts of cortisol helped our ancestors protect themselves from predators. Unfortunately for us, our bodies can't tell the difference between a lion on the savannah and a bad day at work. To our adrenal glands, stress is stress. Our modern day lives expose us to prolonged periods of stress day after day for years. If left untreated, elevated cortisol levels can lead to the following conditions:
The effects of stress on your body and mind are more than just a list of conditions. It's the little details of how you feel every day. It's the sharp fear of a sudden emergency, the shortness of breath as you scramble to juggle too many responsibilities, the crushing weight of problem after problem piling up, and the exhaustion you're left with day after day. Alpranax will break the Cortisol Cycle and help you gain:
Stress sends your brain into an active state that prevents you from drifting off to sleep, keeping you up tossing and turning at night. If you finally manage to drift off to sleep, the cortisol in your system lowers the quality of the sleep you do manage to get. According to recent studies, workplace stressors as simple as faking a smile for 8 hours can lead to reduced sleep quality.
A poor night's sleep leaves you feeling fatigued the next day, which increases your stress levels. This, in turn, further degrades your sleep, causing a vicious cycle of stress and sleep deprivation.
Alpranax helps break the cycle of sleep deprivation by reducing your stress, which allows you to get the sleep you need to tackle your day. It's safe, herbal formula helps reduce the body's supply of cortisol to improve calmness and relaxation throughout the day. Plus, unlike prescription medications, there's no risk of dependency.
I spend all day dealing with difficult clients and the stress was really taking a toll on my body and my sleep. Now that I have Alpranax, it's so much easier to provide service with a smile because I'm not constantly exhausted and on edge. Thanks Alpranax!
Jamie K., Dallas, TX
I worked a lot of late nights when a big project I was working on got behind schedule. After the project launched, I was still stuck on my late night schedule, which lead to a lot of stress during the day. Alpranax helped me break the cycle so I could relax and focus again.
Chris L., Jacksonville, FL
My job is very stressful and I found that I would hold on to that anxiety even on nights and weekends. Now with Alpranax I can leave my work problems and work and really focus on spending quality time with my wife and children without feeling grouchy and stressed.
Terry C., Columbus, OH
Valerian works together with St. John's Wort to help improve mood and decrease the symptoms of fatigue.
Passion Flower has been used since the 17th century to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
This herb reduces stress by helping the brain retain serotonin. This improves positive mood and decreases cortisol.
This herb is shown to reduce cortisol levels and symptoms of stress. It's especially effective for chronic stress.
A natural herb shown to reduce symptoms of fatigue, including binge eating. It also helps with breaking caffeine dependency.
Alpranax contains gentle but effective nutrients and amino acids to help you relax, including L-Theanine, GABA and Vitamin B5.
You have the power to stop the cycle of stress that is stealing the joy from your days and the sleep from your nights. Try Alpranax today and feel the freedom, energy and relaxation of a stress free life!
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